Page Icon Rons Data Stream Quick Start Guide - Rons Data Stream

  1. Introduction
  2. Data Cleaner
    1. Cleaner Palette
      1. Columns Selectors
      2. Row Selectors
      3. Column Processors
      4. Row Processors
      5. Cell Processors
    2. Cleaner Rules
    3. Cleaner Options
  3. The Preview
  4. Data Job
    1. Source Containers
    2. Source Profiles
    3. Output Containers
    4. Output Loggers
    5. Output Formatters
  5. Quick Process
  6. Process Job

1. Introduction

Congratulations, you’ve downloaded Rons Data Stream. Now what?

Rons Data Stream - Main Window

STEP 1: Create a Cleaner. This is the first step to process and clean a file.

STEP 2: Prepare the format, source and output of the file(s).

For Single Directory Processing:

Use Quick Process to cleaning one or more files from one folder, with a Cleaner incorporated into that section.

For Multiple Directory Processing:

Set up a Data Job to clean several files and/or folders at the same time, with a Cleaner incorporated into that section.

STEP 3: Run

Jobs and Cleaners can be saved, renamed and used again later which becomes a great time saving for future data processing jobs.

2. Data Cleaners

Click on The Data Cleaner icon on the Start Page to start creating a Cleaner. It opens a new Cleaner window, with a Cleaner Palette section, the Cleaner Rules and the selected Cleaner details.

Opening the Show Preview allows changes to the Cleaner to be viewed simultaneously as they are being changed.

Rons Data Stream - Preview Window

Cleaner Palette

Five sections need to be completed:

  1. Columns Selectors

Select the Columns where the rules will apply. One or more columns can be selected.

  1. Rows Selectors

Select the Rows where the rules are to apply. One or more rows can be selected.

  1. Column Processors

Operations specific to columns can be set up in this area.

  1. Row Processors

Operations specific to rows can be set up in this area.

  1. Cell Processors

Operations specific to cells can be set up in this area.

Rons Data Stream - Cleaner Tab

Cleaner Rules

To add a new operation, click on one of the selectors or processors from the palette marked with a blue arrow. The Selector or the processor is added in the Cleaner Rules middle section with a coloured number added in front of it. The numbering allows to differ the multiple selectors and rules that can be created.

Click on the newly added rule to open the rule set up area in the right-side section and apply the desired set up.

Rules can be easily moved up and down, duplicated or deleted.

All names can be edited to make the operations easily recognizable.

An incomplete operation that cannot execute is marked by a message with a hand sign: “This rule cannot execute with the current settings”. It indicates that you need to look into the rule to make it functional.

Cleaner Option Section

This section holds helpful links to the Quick Guide, the Preview, and Quick Job.

The Quick Guide is available for general directions on how to set rules up.

The Preview can be open while setting up the rules in order to see concretely the results of these rules. See section about the preview below.

**Quick Job **can be open to set up a simple job with one or more files.

3. The Preview

The preview displays the actual files on the left side, and the file with the changes effected by the Cleaners on the right side. If more files are listed, they simply need to be selected for their content to be displayed in the preview screens.

There are three views: Local Files, Job Files and Cell Change Rules

In the Local Files view any file can be uploaded.

In the job files view, only the files that have been selected in the Source Container of the Job Palette can be viewed.

The Cell Change Rules view allows to see which Data Cleaner Rules, Column Operations, Row Operations, or Cell Operations has been applied to a specific cell or area. Cells or file areas that have been subject to changes are colored in yellow. Clicking on those cells or areas displays the name of the Data Cleaner, Rule Column Operations, Row Operations, or Cell Operations that triggered the change(s).

Rons Data Stream - Preview Window

Tip: Clicking the Automatically Refresh button will make it active so that refresh occurs continuously.

**4. Data job **

Clicking on Data Job opens a window where the setting of the data job can be made.

Five sections need to be set up with the necessary information to run the job:

  1. Source Containers
  2. Source Profiles
  3. Output Containers
  4. Output Loggers
  5. Output Formatters

Rons Data Stream - Data job Tab

Multiple sources or outputs can be selecting allowing the processing of multiple files at the same time.

  1. Source Containers

In the Source Container Section, one can browse and select the directory where the file to be processed is stored. Click on Checkbox to include sub-directories.

  1. Source Profiles

The Source Profiles Section allows to set up the actual type of delimiters of the file(s) that are to be processed. The set up can be done as CSV or Token.

  1. Output Containers

In the Output Containers, one can select where the processed files will be stored and saved.

  1. Output Loggers

Processed files automatically generate a log file. In the Output Loggers section, one can select set up where the log file is to be saved by selecting the appropriate output container that has been created.

  1. Output Formatters

The Output Formatters section allows to set up the format in which the file(s) is to be processed.

The format set up can be done as CSV, Token, HTML, XML or SQL Table.

5. Quick Job

Quick Job allows to prepare a job in a quick way and can only process one directory at a time. A Cleaner is incorporated into this section.

Quick Process - Job Summary

6. Process Job

The job can be executed by clicking on Start and can be stopped at any moment.

Rons Data Stream - Process Window

Job Summary section:

Process Job provides a very useful summary of the Data Job.

If any reason prevents the job to be executed, a warning message will be displayed.

Rons Data Stream - Process Window Progress

Progress Section:

This area confirms if the job processing has been successful, partially successful or failed.

Tags: Rons Data Stream
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